
REACH - Reaching to educate all children for heaven

Our Mission — To foster an enriched ECE-12 system where learners of varying abilities thrive according to their unique strengths.

Grading and Reporting

Recording strategies and modifications on progress reports,
cumulative folders and transcripts

Many questions have arisen on how to report progress of students who
are learning with strategies or modifications. The answers to these questions
for U.S. schools differ between elementary and secondary as outlined below.
Please note that in Canada, protocols are clearly outlined for the recording of
any modifications and strategies made to a student’s academic program. Schools
must adhere to the reporting requirements outlined by the provincial ministry of
education. Classroom teachers are advised to contact their conference REACH
representative if they have questions or need assistance in understanding the
provincial requirements.


• Strategies may be indicated on progress reports or the
strategy form for use by subsequent teachers.
• The grade should reflect student’s work with modifications.
Modifications should be described in the progress report
comment box or by attaching a Measurable Action Plan (MAP).
(See Chapter 4 for more information on how to develop a MAP.)
For example, a fifth grade student working at a third grade math
level could receive a “B” for his third grade work. The grade
level would be indicated in the comment box or on the MAP.
• Disabilities should not be indicated on progress reports.
• MAPs should be included in a student’s cumulative folder.


• Strategies may be indicated in the progress reports comment
box to show what support the student is receiving.
• The use of modifications requires parent permission and should
be incorporated in a Measurable Action Plan (MAP).
• It is recommended that modifications be identified as “AL” (alternative
learning) or “Introduction to” classes; for example, “AL—U.S. History”
or “Introduction to US History”. Just as “AP History” indicates a
different curriculum, “AL History” or “Introduction to History”
shows a different curriculum based on the ability of the student.
• The registrar must change the name of the course to reflect the
alternative course name on the report card and transcript for the
student with modifications. This serves as an indication that the
content of the course or the grading has been modified. In secondary
schools, ongoing communication with the registrar is imperative.