
REACH - Reaching to educate all children for heaven

Our Mission — To foster an enriched ECE-12 system where learners of varying abilities thrive according to their unique strengths.

Inclusion in Elementary

General Organizational Strategies

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General Organizational Strategies

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Have individual contracts
Have student turn in work as soon as completed
Keep a daily assignment sheet/book
Organize notebook—one folder for each subject
If using workbooks, give students one page at a time, not the entire book
Maintain a master list of assignments for students to check periodically (post or keep in a file folder)
Supply materials for home use (duplicate textbooks)
Provide necessary materials (pencils, paper, highlighters, etc.)
Have students verbalize steps of tasks to you
Establish a home/school communication system
Arrange a regular conference time with student to check progress and set goals
Require student to keep a monthly calendar
Encourage student to have a specified time/space for homework
Make weekly contact with all general classroom teachers to check assignment completion
Establish a daily routine-be consistent
Use a syllabus or course outline, as well as a written outline for each unit of study
Teach and assist with organizational skills; use visual reminders for upcoming deadlines and test dates
Use a behavior management system with immediate feedback; and provide a structured routine
Desk Dividers
Social Skills Strategy
Fidgeting Strategy
Alternative Seating
Alternative Seating Strategy
Timing Strategy
Presentation / Delivery of Instruction
Shorten assignments
Extend time for completion
Break down into small sequential steps and set due date for each step
Use consistent format; predictable, repeated patterns
Give options for assignments—oral or written reports, displays, charts
Use learning aids such as computers, calculators, CD players, etc.
Read the directions orally as the students highlight the written directions
Keep directions on the immediate page that a student is working on
Redirect off-task behavior
Encourage student to focus on anything written on the board
Use visual aides in giving instructions
Vary teaching techniques (role-playing, demonstrations)
Have the student repeat instructions/exercises or objectives
Teach through the child’s interests and experiences
Use learning games
Use a variety of materials and tools (computer, tapes, etc.)
Always face the student when speaking-maintain eye contact
Supply a copy of class notes
Avoid writing on the board and speaking at the same time
Give extra “think” time after asking a question
Provide frequent feedback
Use short, one-concept sentences and questions
Give only one direction at a time
Provide directions in oral and written form
Provide an example
Double space typed handouts
Provide activities that are short in duration
Give warning before changing activities
Avoid busy work, focus on essential concepts
Continue to reinforce past skills for mastery
Be aware of student’s preferred learning style and provide appropriate instruction or materials
Give immediate feedback and reinforcement
Get and keep student’s attention before teaching (e.g., say his/her name)
State objectives at the start of each lesson
Circulate around the room
Repeat the instructions in different words
Show sample papers and projects
In response to questions, have him/her repeat the question as part of his/her answer
Emphasize important points by color coding, underlining, changing pitch of voice, and mnemonic devices to aid learning
Give summary of key points in each lesson
Teach self-monitoring strategies that track progress
Seat preferentially (easy access to board, teacher, and positive role model)
Break presentations into segments; allow short breaks between tasks
Allow legitimate and non-disruptive movement
Schedule the most difficult subjects in the morning
Encourage active participation rather than memorization of facts
Minimize abstract, workbook-driven activities
Write the text page number on all assignments as a reference for questions
Study Skills
Use a buddy system
Use peer tutoring
Advise student to do most difficult subject first
Study for short period of time
Use memory aids (acronyms, acrostics)
Use associations and clustering
Teach student to paraphrase—restate information in own words
Underline key words in instructions
Teacher Approach / Attitude
Teach student how to set his/her own goals and design his/her own learning plans
Affirm progress
Accept homework dictated by student and written by parent
Model acceptance and demand respect for individual differences; celebrate diversity; provide a nurturing environment
Be firm and consistent but with empathy
Insist that the student complete a task, making certain that it is on his/her ability level and that s/he understands the directions
Focus on development of their interests and gifts
Be patient and positive, encourage practice and praise
Celebrate student strengths
Accommodate uniqueness in student’s learning style
Recognize quality and competence, celebrate excellence, and confront complacency
Establish specific learning outcomes
Communicate teacher support
Provide struggling student a supportive peer to assist with work

General Organizational Strategies

ISA Learning
Understand your own teaching style.
Complete Learning Disabilities Handbook
Complete Learning Disabilities Handbook: Ready to Use Strategies & Activities for Teaching Students with LD (2008) by Joan M. Harwell and Rebecca Williams Jackson (ISBN: 978-0787997557)
Differentiated Assessment Strategies—One Tool Doesn’t Fit All
Differentiated Assessment Strategies—One Tool Doesn’t Fit All (2004) by Carolyn Chapman & Rita King (ISBN: 0761988912)
Differentiated Instruction Guide for Inclusive Teaching
Differentiated Instruction Guide for Inclusive Teaching (2003) by Anne M. Moll (ISBN: 1-887943-64-1)
Differentiating Instruction in the Regular Classroom
Differentiating Instruction in the Regular Classroom—How to Reach and Teach All Learners, Grades 3-12 (2012) by Diane Heacox, EdD (ISBN: 978-1575424163)
How The Special Needs Brain Learns
How The Special Needs Brain Learns (2006) by David A. Sousa (ISBN: 1412949874)
Instruction for All Students
Instruction for All Students (2008) by Paula Rutherford. (ISBN: 9780977779680)
It’s So Much Work To Be Your Friend
A groundbreaking examination of a long-neglected problem, It's So Much Work To Be Your Friend presents solutions that will change the lives of millions of children.
Learning Disabilities Handbook
Learning Disabilities Handbook (2008) by Lori Aguilera & Kathleen Jefferson (
Lesson Plans and Modifications for Inclusion and Collaborative Classrooms
Lesson Plans and Modifications for Inclusion and Collaborative Classrooms (1995) by Master Teacher, Inc (ISBN: 0-914607-37-5)
Motivation Breakthrough: 6 Secrets to Turning On the Tuned-out Child
Motivation is the key to learning. But very few parents and teachers have an effective arsenal of techniques at their disposal.
Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom
Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom (2009) by Thomas Armstrong (ISBN: 978-1-4166-0789-2)
Multiple Intelligences Lesson Plan Book
Multiple Intelligences Lesson Plan Book (1998) by Anne Bruetsch (ISBN: 1569760950)
So Each May Learn
So Each May Learn: Integrating Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligences (2000) by Silver Strong, & Perini (ISBN: 978-0-87120-387-8)
Successful Inclusion Strategies for Secondary and Middle School Teachers
Successful Inclusion Strategies for Secondary and Middle School Teachers: Keys to Help Struggling Learners Access the Curriculum (2003) by M.C. Gore (ISBN: 0761939733, 9780761939733)
Teacher’s Guide to Intervention and Inclusive Education
Teacher’s Guide to Intervention and Inclusive Education—1000+ Strategies to Help All Students Succeed! (2007) by Glynis Hannell (ISBN 139781890455071)
Teaching Learning Strategies and Study Skills
Teaching Learning Strategies and Study Skills to Students with LD, ADD and Special Needs (1998) by Stephen S. Strichart & Charles T.Mangrum II (ISBN: 9780205335138)
What Successful Teachers Do in Inclusive Classrooms
What Successful Teachers Do in Inclusive Classrooms: Research-Based Teaching Strategies that Help Special Learners Succeed (2005) by Sarah McNary, Neal Glasgow, and Cathy Hicks (ISBN: 9781412906296)
You Mean I’m Not Lazy, Stupid, or Crazy?
You Mean I’m Not Lazy, Stupid, or Crazy? (2006) by Kate Kelly and Peggy Ramunda (ISBN: 978-0743264488)
7 Effective Strategies for Secondary Inclusion
7 Effective Strategies for Secondary Inclusion (2007) by Lisa Dieker. (DVD, 65 min.) Order # D7ES-WEB .
Beyond F.A.T. City-A Look Back, A Look Ahead
A follow-up to the original 1989 best-selling Rick Lavoie video, How Difficult Can This Be? The F.A.T. City Workshop, this program underscores the frustration, anxiety and tension (F.A.T.) children with learning disabilities experience.
Classroom Teacher’s Guide to Instructional and Curricular Modifications
Classroom Teacher’s Guide to Instructional and Curricular Modifications - DVD Series by Wendy Dover (ISBN:978-1-58992-284-6)
Ennis’ Gift
Ennis’ Gift (inspired by the legacy of Ennis William Cosby-a film about learning differences)
How Difficult Can This Be?
How Difficult Can This Be?: The F.A.T. City Workshop by Richard Lavoie (DVD, 70 min) For kids with learning disabilities, the classroom can be an intimidating place. Renowned learning disabilities expert Richard Lavoie explains why.
Inclusion: The Next Step
Inclusion: The Next Step by Wendy Dover. (VHS) 4 Video series. Order #: VNSK-WEB
Misunderstood Minds: understanding kids who struggle to learn
Misunderstood Minds: understanding kids who struggle to learn--Starring Mel Levine, G. Reid Lyon and Chris Bury (2002) (VHS 90 minutes)
BC Ministry of Education: Special Education
This BC Government Special Education website contains a wealth of links to resource documents organized by subtopic (including attention deficit, autism, behavior, and many more).
Cornerstone for Teachers
This website, begun in 2003 by an educational consultant in New York City, is a collection of interrelated print and online resources designed to make teaching life more effective, efficient, and enjoyable. It includes free downloadable resources on behavior management, specific subject areas, literacy, routines and procedures, professional development, and a section entitled “God’s Place” which includes a message for Christian teachers and teacher devotions.
Council for Exceptional Children
The official website of The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), described as “the largest international professional organization dedicated to improving the educational success of individuals with disabilities and/or gifts and talents,” includes professional development opportunities and resources, 17 divisions of specialized information, journals and newsletters with information on new research findings and classroom practices that work, conventions and conferences, and special education publications.
This site provides definitions, characteristics, classroom strategies, online resources, and books to help you teach almost any student with specific learning challenges.
Great Schools
This website contains hundreds of links and articles for a variety of special education concerns as well as a forum to provide support for parents with children K-12.
IDEA Partnership
Discussion guides, PowerPoint presentations on multiple areas. Stakeholders in various areas have created a place to share best practice, and this is an ongoing collection of the products of their discussion. Excellent resource.
Internet Special Education Resources (ISER)
ISER is a directory of professionals, organizations, and schools that serve the learning disabilities and special education communities. The website offers a directory of Special Needs State Government agencies, Special Education Resources, Teacher Training / Certification Programs, Job Opportunities, and Special Needs Software / Assistive Technology.
Website dedicated to parents and teachers of students with learning disabilities. Growing site with links to many resources.
Learning Assistance Teachers’ Association-BC
This site, sponsored by the Learning Assistance Teacher’s Association in BC, is designed to support educators of school-aged students of all abilities with information, strategies, and links to resources related to special education, learning assistance, and ESL.
LD Online
Designed for parents, educators, and kids, this is the world’s leading website on learning disabilities and ADHD. It features hundreds of helpful articles, multimedia, monthly columns by noted experts, first person essays, children’s writing and art work, a comprehensive resource guide, very active forums, and a Yellow Pages referral directory of professionals, schools, and products.
Learning Port
A clearinghouse of resources for classroom teachers and special educators to use to build inclusive classrooms.
Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS)
The Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) is committed to improving results and outcomes for people with disabilities of all ages. It provides a wide array of supports to parents and individuals, school districts and states.
Parent Books: Booklists
Resources for Professionals. Recommended booklists on special needs, mental health, learning disabilities, educational resources and parental resources.
Parent Books: Learning Disabilities
Learning Disorders: Resources for Professionals. Recommended booklists on learning disabilities.
Teachers.Net Mentor Center
The Mentor Support Center is designed to bring together thousands of educators in an environment specially designed to foster peer support and development. In this online forum, teachers can post a question and get feedback from master teachers around the world within a day or two.
University of Kansas Special Education
Designed to help educators through the process of designing an inclusive classroom.
School Fuel - Android
School Fuel is a Mobile Learning CMS that allows teachers and school leaders to connect with students in class and on the go. School Fuel provides customized mobile resource libraries aligned to Common Core Standards helping schools deliver the right apps and tools to the right students at the right time - on any device.
School Fuel - iOS
School Fuel is a Mobile Learning CMS that allows teachers and school leaders to connect with students in class and on the go. School Fuel provides customized mobile resource libraries aligned to Common Core Standards helping schools deliver the right apps and tools to the right students at the right time - on any device.
Course Hero - Flashcards
Use existing databases or create your own on-line flashcards. Teachers can create sets or students can create their own.
Evernote makes it easy to remember things big and small from your everyday life using your computer, phone, tablet and the web. Use this link for all devices and operating systems.
Spring Pad - Android
Springpad is the simple-to-use, free app that helps you save anything from all your devices so you can be more organized and productive. Save ideas, notes, checklists, project tasks, photos, products, movies -- then Springpad enhances them with relevant suggestions so you can get what you need, when and where you need it.
Spring Pad - iOS
Springpad is the simple-to-use, free app that helps you save anything from all your devices so you can be more organized and productive. Save ideas, notes, checklists, project tasks, photos, products, movies -- then Springpad enhances them with relevant suggestions so you can get what you need, when and where you need it.
StudyBlue - Android
StudyBlue is a free service that makes learning fun, engaging and effective for any student. The immersive flashcard experience that allows students to study, make, edit and save content with access to a library of classmate-created materials.
StudyBlue -iOS
StudyBlue is a free service that makes learning fun, engaging and effective for any student. The immersive flashcard experience that allows students to study, make, edit and save content with access to a library of classmate-created materials.
Sparknotes - Android
SparkNotes study guides for literature, Shakespeare, poetry, philosophy, drama and short stories.
Sparknotes - iOS
SparkNotes study guides for literature, Shakespeare, poetry, philosophy, drama and short stories.
Last One Picked, First One Picked On
Playing with friends is a daily ritual for most children. But kids with learning disabilities are often isolated and rejected. Rick Lavoie addresses the social problems these children face — and offers some practical solutions for parents.
When the Chips are Down
Do you ever have days when the kids seem totally out of control? Do you find yourself falling into the same pointless arguments with your students or your children?
POPARD - Autism Outreach
POPARD is a British Columbia Ministry of Education provincial resource program whose mandate is to increase educators’ capacity to meet the learning needs of students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). This site has many resources that will support not only students with ASD but with many types of learning disabilities. These resources include training videos and print resources.
POPFASD is a British Columbia Ministry of Education provincial resource program whose mandate is to increase educators’ capacity to meet the learning needs of students with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). This site has many resources that will support not only students with FASD, but with many types of learning disabilities. These resources include training videos and print resources.
Dr. Mac’s Behavior Management Site
This site is loaded with strategies to help students who struggle daily with behavioral issues related to ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, and learning differences. Not only are there strategies for building classroom management plans that support these students but there are also tools for classroom teachers to deal with specific exceptional behaviors as well as “typical” behaviors. Includes free lesson plans and video podcasts.
National Professional Resources, Inc.
National Professional Resources, Inc. (NPR), established in 1968, produces videos/DVDs and publishes books and laminated reference guides on a wide variety of inclusion topics—inclusion, ADD/ADHD, autism/aspergers, character education, classroom management, gifted, inclusion, special education, and so many more. Ordering information and prices are included.
Great Schools
This website contains hundreds of links and articles for a variety of special education concerns as well as a forum to provide support for parents with children K-12.
CORA-Classroom Observation and Recording App - iOS
Cora (Classroom Observation and Recording App) is a mobile app that allows you to record student observations/notes in the classroom. Observations/notes can be tagged with subjects, IEP objectives, classes and more. Save time by storing all your observations/notes in one place.
ADAPT Teacher Accomodation Plan Book
ADAPT Teacher Accomodation Plan Book (1992) by Harvey Parker and Richard Dimantteo (ISBN: 1-886941-09-2)
You're Going to Love This Kid
You're Going to Love This Kid (2010) by Paula Kluth. (ISBN: 9781598570793) Creating inclusive classrooms.
LD Online
The world’s leading website on learning disabilities and ADHD.
Learning Disabilities Association of America
Learning Disabilities Association-Under the Teacher tab you will find specific information for reading difficulties.
Learning Disabilities Association-Canada
Learning Disabilities Association-Canada
Intervention Central
Superb resource to support classroom teachers of all students. Uses Response-to-Intervention model. Includes tools, manuals, planning support and activies.
Sopris Learning
Materials and training that provide support for literacy, math and content area intervention. Useful for teachers using RTI and DI methodology in their classrooms.
Voyager Learning
Professional development for teachers and administrators to encourage RTI and Differentiated Instructional methods in the classroom.
Foothills Education - Adapted classic literature
One-stop source for educational products for students that require particular tools to help them reach their full potential. They carry an extensive selection of the most up-to-date products from North America's most well-respected publishers. Products include high-interest, low ability reading materials, software, assessment materials. Reading titles must be carefully reviewed and screened for content in SDA schools. Canadian pricing but sales are North America-wide.
National Center for Learning Disabilities
You will find extensive information on Dyslexia and links to many others sources under the Types of LD tab.
From Tutor Scripts to Talking Sticks
Packed with creative adaptation ideas, this book gives K 12 educators 100 teacher-designed, kid-tested strategies they can use to meet the needs of all students in inclusive classrooms. Ideal for helping students who need extra support, scaffolding, reminders, organization, or enrichment, this book gives general and special educators easy adaptations in 10 key areas. These areas are; organization, environment and sensory, technology, communication and participation, behavior and motivation, teaching and learning, literacy, math, study and review, and assessment. Differentiated instruction can be simple and fun!
Pre-Referral Intervention Manual
Helps teachers identify both behavioral and academic difficulties by breaking each subject and behavior into categories. In addition, there are a wide variety of interventions that are practical for the classroom. This book is also great to help with documentation.
Resource Room - Hi-Low Reading List
This website contains a wealth of tools, strategies, and resources for a variety of subjects, grades, and types of learners. It also contains links to hundreds of teaching resources.
Resource Room - Comprehension
Comprehension resources.
Bridges Canada
Canada-wide distributor of assistive technology and manipulative materials. One-stop shopping.