
REACH - Reaching to educate all children for heaven

Our Mission — To foster an enriched ECE-12 system where learners of varying abilities thrive according to their unique strengths.

Inclusion for Secondary

Inattentive, Hyperactive/Impulsive Behaviors

Fails to give close attention to details
Makes careless mistakes in schoolwork or other activities
Has difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play activities
Has difficulty organizing tasks and activities
Does not follow through on instructions and fails to finish schoolwork or chores
Avoids, dislikes, or is reluctant to engage in tasks that require sustained mental effort
Loses things necessary for tasks or activities (e.g., assignments, pencils, books, or tools)
Distracted by extraneous stimuli
Is forgetful in completing daily activities
Rushes through assignment with no regard to accuracy or quality of work
Begins assignments before receiving directions
Is easily distracted by auditory and visual stimuli
Does not turn in homework assignments
Frequently does not complete in-class assignments
Frequently unable to follow written/oral directions
Has little or no interaction with others
Requires eye contact in order to listen
Frequently is disorganized
Does not remain on task (daydreams)
Has limited memory skills
Often fails to generalize knowledge
Frequently fails screening tools or quizzes
Fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in seat
Leaves seat in classroom or in other situations in which seating is expected
Runs about or climbs excessively in situations where it is inappropriate
Has difficulty playing or engaging in leisure activities quietly
Frequently on the go or acts as if “driven by a motor”
Talks excessively
Blurts out answers before questions have been completed
Has difficulty awaiting turn
Makes unnecessary physical contact
Interrupts or intrudes on others (e.g., in conversations or games)
Appears to be socially immature
Bothers other students who are trying to work, listen, etc.
Makes inappropriate comments or unnecessary noises in the classroom
Tends to overreact to situations
Frequently does not work independently
Often not accepted by others
Frequently has no concept of time
Frequently does not keep track of assignments
Does not respond appropriately to environmental/social cues
Is easily angered, annoyed, or upset
Has coordination difficulty—falls, trips, etc.
Has difficulty retrieving information
Often shifts from one activity to another

Inattentive, Hyperactive/Impulsive Behaviors

  More information
Check lighting and noise levels
Remove unnecessary materials from student desk
Position student out of classroom traffic flow
Have extra classroom supplies (pencils, pens, etc.) available for students
Seat student next to supportive peers and away from distractions
Ask the student occasionally what time it is or what subject s/he has next
Use a visual timer to help student anticipate time left to complete assignment
Stand by his/her desk as often as possible when talking to the class
Stay close to the student in large areas of confusing situations (e.g., fire drills, assemblies)
Teach student to self-evaluate targeted behavior using tally marks or checklists
Provide student with a written checklist of expectations—only essential concepts
Establish eye contact; touch shoulder, use name and proximity when giving instructions
Give one part of a sequence of tasks at a time
Use “hands-on” materials
Have the student retell instructions to ensure understanding
Underline key words and use colored paper for markers in reading
Teach students to visualize and describe appropriate behavior
Be animated, theatrical, and responsive
Intersperse low with high interest tasks
Use background music—it helps to block out other noise
Block or chunk assignments into time or productive segments—have child work in six 5-minute segments instead of one 30 minute segment
Alter assignments
Send student on an errand before s/he has reached frustration point
Allow student to have an object to manipulate, i.e., stress ball
Provide movement between activities
Allow students to use exercise bands
Use in-class games and movement for review
Provide breaks and opportunities for controlled movement (e.g., sharpening pencils and running errands)
Encourage independence/self-management
Use rewards and contracts to teach and enforce on-task behavior
Frequently review posted class rules and routines
Prepare students for approaching transitions
Plan ahead—teacher organization and preparation facilitate student success
Keep directions simple and clear
Create a behavior management system
Establish a routine
Give parents a set of books for home use
Use clear, simple language, and repeat instructions frequently
Be consistent with routine (structure) and consequences
Define expectations in advance
Offer limited choices of materials and/or activities
Allow cursive handwriting or printing
Extend time limits
Anticipate problems-be proactive
Set up a buddy system
Use small groups and cooperative learning
Use contracts
Provide the student with strategies for learning and organization
Encourage goal setting and mastering challenges (daily, monthly, etc.)
Empower students to use down time as needed
Seek student input to resolve problematic behaviors
Be aware of student allergies
Don’t punish by excluding student from preferred and/or movement activities
Communicate unconditional acceptance
Focus on student’s abilities rather than disabilities
Give genuine praise and emphasize the positive
Provide immediate and frequent feedback
Stay flexible
Ignore minor behaviors and attend to positive behaviors
Stay calm
Practice forgiveness
Have a back-up plan to relieve teacher stress

Inattentive, Hyperactive/Impulsive Behaviors

AD/HD Forms Book (1998)
By Michael J. Asher and Steven B. Gordon. (ISBN: 0-87822-378-9)
A collection over 30 reproducible assessment and intervention forms for use with any AD/HD program for children and adolescents. Helps educators, mental health professionals, and parents translate their knowledge into action. All of the forms may be photocopied as needed.
ADD/ADHD Behavior-Change Resource Kit (2002)
By Grad L. Flick. (ISBN: 0-87628-144-7)
Information and practical strategies to help kids with attention deficits learn to control and change their own behaviors and build the academic, social, and personal skills necessary for success in school and in life.
Attention Deficit Disorders Intervention Manual (1995)
By Stephen B. McCarney. (ISBN: 1878372068)
Parents Guide to Attention Deficit Disorders (1995)
By Stephen B. McCarney. (ISBN-10: 1878372017)
Taking Charge of ADHD, Third Edition: The Complete, Authoritative Guide for Parents (2013)
By Russell A. Barkley. (ISBN: 1462507891)
Pencil Finger Fidgets
Fidget toys that can go on top of pencils
Study carrals
Study carrals that provides low a visual stimulation environment for students
Squishy balls
Students squish in hands to provide movement. Teachers can also make their own squishy balls by placing flour in a balloon.
Available at teacher stores.
Time Timer
Several sizes of clocks and watches, audible and silent timers.
Social Thinking
Books, media and workshop-based supports. A treatment framework and curriculum developed by Michelle Garcia Winner targets improving individual social thinking abilities, regardless of diagnostic label. to build social thinking and related skills in students and adults.