Academic Courses
This section contains a non-exhaustive list of academic courses offered at various SDA Colleges and Universities throughout the division. Consult your local conference policy with regards to taking courses for credit.
LaSierra University
LaSierra offers a master’s degree with a concentration in special education. However, this is not always available because there are not enough individuals interested to make it feasible to offer.
These courses could possibly be used for an endorsement:
All courses are not currently on-line, but can be.
EDCI 464/564 Special Education in the Regular Classroom
EDCI 565 Advanced Special Ed. in the Regular Classroom
EDPC 460/560 The Exceptional Child
EDPC 650 Mental Exceptionality
EDPC 662 Behavioral Assessment and Intervention
EDPC 663 Neuropsychological Assessment and Intervention
EDPC 664 Assessment of Individual Intelligence I
EDPC 667 Assessment of Learning Development
528 Exceptional Child/ C&I in Special Education EXSC
344 Special Education- on line